Breakfast Zucchini


My niece would come and stay a few days with us during the summer. She would turn her nose up with a lot of the things I cooked, and when I fixed Breakfast Zucchini she again turned her nose up. I asked her if she had ever had it before and she said no. So I made a rule that she had to take one bite and if she didn't like it she wouldn't have to eat it. So she sat down with her small helping and tried it. I ended up fixing more because she had 3 helpings and loved it! So if you have a finicky eater maybe you can make the same rule at your house! It was awesome to know she really did like it! Sure made me feel good anyway!


2 T. Butter

1 Zucchini sliced

1 diced small Onion 

1/2 C. diced mushrooms

4 eggs


  1. Sauté zucchini, onion, and mushrooms in about 2 T Butter for about 2-3 min on med high.

  2. Add eggs and stir until the eggs are cooked.

  3. Salt and pepper and enjoy with you favorite toast and orange juice.